23 DECEMBER 2022

The Belmadar Bandits featured in the December issue of Garvan Institute Breakthrough Magazine

The Belmadar Bandits were featured in the December issue of Garvan Institute Breakthrough Magazine.

Since 2015, Belmadar has participated in the City2Surf for Garvan and has raised over $100,000 for blood cancer research in honour of the late Domenico Marrocco, one of Belmadar's founding partners. This year our exceptional efforts raised $14,545.50 which will directly support Dr Jim Blackburn and his research.

Dr Jim Blackburn is the Group Leader for the DNA and RNA Methodologies team within the Genomic Cancer Medicine Laboratory. His team works on developing and deploying unique sequencing assays for comprehensive fusion gene detection in blood cancers and solid tumours.

The Belmadar culture extends beyond the workplace. Belmadar believes in giving back and supporting a number of cause-related efforts that remain close to our team and clients hearts. We can't wait to participate in the City2Surf again next year with an even bigger goal!

Read the full article here.